The Texans for Education Reform have come out in full support for former State Rep Chente Quintanilla to get his seat back against State Rep Mary Gonzalez.
The TER PAC has a new spot that has already started to run on television that hits Rep Gonzalez on education and then touts Chente's experience as a superintendent.
It was then that I realized I never uploaded the video of the candidates at the forum hosted by the Eastside Civic Association. Chente had some interesting things to say about bilingual education at about the 2:50 mark of the video.
And by interesting things to say about bilingual education I mean he is against bilingual education. I'd watch it all the way to about the 6 minute mark to get a good indicator of where Chente stands on a couple of important education issues.
Now leave it to Chente Quintanilla, a former superintendent, to come out against bilingual education in a community in which Spanish is the language most often spoken in the home and in the streets.
You want a real world example of why bilingual education is important in the valley? Ask the rich white farmers.
Almost all of them speak at least a little Spanish and a lot of them are fluent in Spanish. Why? So that they can communicate with their grossly underpaid field hands of course.
And to underscore my frustrations with both of these crappy candidates, Rep Gonzalez wants to bring back dairy so that there can be more jobs that don't get paid much money.
Because low-wage jobs is what the valley needs right now.
That is sarcasm for those of you that didn't understand.
The TER PAC has a new spot that has already started to run on television that hits Rep Gonzalez on education and then touts Chente's experience as a superintendent.
It was then that I realized I never uploaded the video of the candidates at the forum hosted by the Eastside Civic Association. Chente had some interesting things to say about bilingual education at about the 2:50 mark of the video.
And by interesting things to say about bilingual education I mean he is against bilingual education. I'd watch it all the way to about the 6 minute mark to get a good indicator of where Chente stands on a couple of important education issues.
Now leave it to Chente Quintanilla, a former superintendent, to come out against bilingual education in a community in which Spanish is the language most often spoken in the home and in the streets.
You want a real world example of why bilingual education is important in the valley? Ask the rich white farmers.
Almost all of them speak at least a little Spanish and a lot of them are fluent in Spanish. Why? So that they can communicate with their grossly underpaid field hands of course.
And to underscore my frustrations with both of these crappy candidates, Rep Gonzalez wants to bring back dairy so that there can be more jobs that don't get paid much money.
Because low-wage jobs is what the valley needs right now.
That is sarcasm for those of you that didn't understand.