Trying in Vain to Make Margo Viable
It's no surprise that Ali Razavi is taking shots at Ted Houghton, who may or may not run for mayor, because as we all know, Ali is Forma's bitch.He does what he's instructed to by Forma in order to try...
View ArticleEPSOA's Mistake Even More Clear
Tom Buchino is quickly becoming a caricature of a sheriff candidate in Texas.Cowboy hat, check.Tight blue jeans, check.Boots, check.Saying you're a "straight-shooter", check.And now, to complete the...
View ArticleCongratulations Are in Order for Reps Acosta & Noe
City Rep Emma Acosta and the City of El Paso are finalists for the prestigious Golden Padlock Award, a national award given by Investigative Reporters & Editors, Inc. That is a non-profit entity...
View Article"Straight-Shooter" Indeed
Shame on me for not noticing this sooner, but its funny and I can't let it go without comment.If you recall, Tom Buchino is a candidate for sheriff and I posted his cheesy internet video where he fires...
View ArticleSDEC Race Takes Center Stage at Dem Convention
Since Bernie Sanders lost I really didn't see a need for me to attend the convention, but once I remembered the SDEC races were going in, I immediately regretted it. For those of you there, this is a...
View ArticleLetter to Delegates from Matthew Leahy
I apologize for the lateness of my decision to run for this position, especially to our new County Chair, in week i have tremendous faith and confidence in and I am not running because I have any issue...
View ArticleFather's Day - A Personal Post
(NOTE: This is a repost of a blog I wrote a few years go for Father's Day)Whifff, snap!Whenever I hear those sounds I think of my dad. Its the sound of playing catch with him when I was a kid. My dad...
View ArticleBernie Or Bust is Bad
I'm a Bernie Sanders supporter and what I am about to write is going to bother a lot of my Bernie brethren but it needs to be said.We lost and the stakes in this election are too high to play Bernie or...
View ArticleTrollies in El Paso!
As you know, so many people are really excited about the trollies coming back to El Paso.Not really, most people are just annoyed at all the construction that is bogging the downtown area.I'm trying...
View ArticleMajor Vehicle Problem for Valley Residents - #ThanksMaryGonzalez
The Mexican government recently designated the Tornillo-Guadalupe Port of Entry as the location where they will accept import of used and junk cars for sale in Mexico. They have also reduced the number...
View ArticleMayor Leeser is Right
Mayor Oscar Leeser is right, the budget can be done without raising taxes.City Manager Tommy Gonzalez is tasked with presenting a budget to council and what he presented called for a tax hike. Mayor...
View ArticleGood Ol' Fashioned Valley Payback...
For those of you not in the know, State Rep Mary Gonzalez wanted a former staffer (a staffer at the time) to run for County Commissioner against Commissioner Vince Perez a couple of years ago,...
View ArticleEPPD Chief Allen Makes Divisive, Inflammatory, & Inaccurate Remark Ahead of...
El Paso Police Department Chief Greg Allen made a remark that was inflammatory, divisive, and inaccurate on Friday and potentially made a bad situation worse.Before I go forward, I realize what I am...
View ArticleCouncil White Washes Chief's Divisive Comments; PD Blocks Criticism
I've never been more disappointed at a local government entity that I am today. The El Paso city council played to a few loud people that were in the room and completely missed a golden opportunity to...
View ArticleEl Paso PD's Problem with Censorship
Frankly, I'm tired of talking about Chief Allen. You either think what he did was right or you think what he said was wrong.But what I'm writing about is now separate from the Chief Allen controversy...
View ArticleWhat I'm Really Saying About EPPD & Twitter
The problem with communication in any form is that it at least partially relies on another party's ability to comprehend.Apparently David K at Refuse the Truth has a bad problem with comprehension.Just...
View ArticleThe GOP Circus & Plagiarism
Every good circus has elephants as a main attraction and this year folks in Cleveland can not only celebrate their NBA Finals win, but they can gleefully cheer, "The circus is in town!"Here's a not so...
View ArticleCopywritten, So Don't, Copy Me
So file this under stuff you didn't know about me or really care about but I really dig the Carpool Karaoke segments that are part of the Late Show with James Corden.I've never actually seen the show,...
View ArticleEPSOA Scores Big Win Against Wiles
The El Paso Sheriff's Officers Association won a big fight with Sherrif Richard Wiles in arbitration over an effort by Wiles to change a few uniform positions to civilian jobs.Last Monday commissioners...
View ArticleLesser Not Seeking Reelection; Bring on the Crazies
So Mayor Leeser announced that he's not going to run for reelection and you can expect a big crop of candidates to come out of the woodwork.I'll go into some of the names that have been popping up but...
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