Martin Paredes Confesses to Collaboration with Carrasco on Ordaz Complaint
As I mentioned yesterday Martin Paredes made a deliberate attempt to try to mislead readers as to the details of what appears to be a baseless ethics complaint against City Rep Claudia Ordaz.And even...
View ArticleFormer EP Mayor Backs Esparza Opponent
Former El Paso Mayor John Cook has endorsed Yvonne Rosales for District Attorney. Rosales faces long-time District Attorney Jaime Esparza. Esparza has served for over 20 years as the district attorney...
View ArticlePDN Tejanos Financial Reporting Woes Continue
The Paso Del Norte Tejano Democrats at one point went years without filing any campaign finance reports and were spending money on supporting political candidates without filing as a political action...
View ArticleThis is Martin
This is Martin.Martin blogs for his boss in exchange for a couch to crash on.Martin deceives his readers.When you ask Martin what time it is he will tell you how to build a clock.Martin is...
View ArticleHD 75: Times Feature Underscores Candidate Weaknesses
I wrote a piece a while back about how it doesn't matter who you vote for in HD 75 because you're essentially getting the same lack of representation from both candidates.But a piece in the El Paso...
View ArticleClinton & Trump - What Iowa Says About Both Candidates
There's an old saying that goes, "A win is a win."Maybe that's true in March Madness but its not true in politics. Hillary Clinton is that #1 seed Ivy League school with a lot of money and solid gold...
View ArticlePDN Tejanos Fail to File Financial Report...AGAIN
Tejano Treasurer Dr. Anna PerezPaso Del Norte Tejano Democrats have yet again failed to file a campaign finance report.For the second time in a couple of weeks, Tejano treasurer Dr. Anna Perez has not...
View ArticleRep Marquez Beefing Up Forma Group
Ever since retiring State Rep Marisa Marquez formally got on board with Forma Group, who she had long been associated with before deciding to retire, she has made an impact on the "turn-key" campaign...
View ArticleHD 77 Race: 30 Day Financial Report
With just 30 days to go before the election and only a couple of weeks before the start of early voting the candidates are rounding third and starting to up all their activity.The more you look at the...
View ArticleTony Quintanilla's Campaign Finance Report & Carlos Sierra
Here is part of the reason why the Tejano Dems not filing a campaign finance report is so interesting... because they endorsed a candidate that is not on the ballot and it appears they are all set to...
View ArticleRomero Health Issue More Serious?
In this article in today's El Paso Times regarding questions that were asked of City Rep Romero and City Manager Tommy Gonzalez, which appear to allow them time to prepare their answers in writing,...
View ArticleRep Romero Resigns
Well I didn't think it would be so quickly after I wrote about it, but City Rep Larry Romero has apparently resigned.Sources at City Hall had indicated earlier today, after I'd written my previous...
View ArticleRomero's Resignation
The El Paso Times seems to be the only media outlet that has been able to confirm the resignation of City Rep Larry Romero that occurred late on Thursday.Don't forget, Thursday is the Friday for city...
View ArticleFamily Member Confirms Romero Resignation
In an early morning telephone call a member of Larry Romero's family confirmed his resignation. Mike Romero, Rep Romero's son reached out to me and indicated that his father did indeed resign late...
View ArticleVillegas Case Major Issue in DA Race
I checked out a forum run by City Rep Emma Acosta and students from Burges High School earlier this week. I love this forum - or any forum run by stands for that matter - you will always get good,...
View ArticleVideo: SBOE Candidate Georgina Perez
This is video of State Board of Education candidate Georgina Perez at a recent candidate forum at Burges High School.Her opponent was not in attendance and I haven't heard of him showing up to very...
View ArticleGregory Gonzalez's Doh!
Gregory Gonzalez is the other candidate for Tax Assessor Collector and has zero chance of winning. And that is for a variety of reasons like no name ID, he hasn't raised much money, no one has really...
View ArticleTV: Local Candidate Political Ads Hit the Airwaves
The TV spots for local candidates have hit the airwaves. Justice Steven Hughes and District Attorney Jaime Esparza have both launched their commercials.District Attorney Esparza has more money than his...
View ArticleDistrict Attorney Candidate Forum
Here is video from a recent forum featuring the candidates from the District Attorney Race.Candidates Jaime Esparza (Incumbent), Leonard Morales (Challenger) and Yvonne Rosales (Challenger) squared off...
View ArticleProps to a City Employee
I know I spend a lot of time in this blog talking about the ineptitude of City Hall. As a former staffer myself, I know that there is frequently a lot of good work that goes on, the vast majority of it...
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