Channel: The Lion Star Blog by Jaime Abeytia
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Arnulfo Hernandez & Ethics Complaints

So hey, while we are talking about ethics complaints filed by Tamayo's financial contributors, lets talk about Arnulfo Hernandez.

He's the guy who recently ran for City Council District 6 with basically no voting record in El Paso because he recently moved back to El Paso from California.

Now everyone knows you gotta meet residency requirements before you run for most offices - certainly city council. The state is a bit more complicated, thus Tamayo's ability to run for HD76 even though she's been living mostly in Austin.

Anywho - November the 5th was the last scheduled city election and it was the election to replace out-going City Rep Claudia Ordaz Perez. Arnulfo Hernandez ran in that election.

Which means he would've had to meet the city's residency requirements in order to be eligible to run for the seat.

Which makes these entries on two separate finance reports - of two separate candidates - pretty damn interesting.

This screenshot is from the January Semi-Annual report of Elisa Tamayo:

And this screenshot is from the January Semi-Annual report of Cesar Blanco:

What is interesting is that these are two different reports and two different contribution dates as you can see. Now look at what I highlighted.

Both indicate Hernandez's address as Carmichael, California and not El Paso, Texas. The way this usually works is that you make a contribution and someone either captures your information about your occupation, employer, and address at the time of the donation or later when the finance report is being made.

This is almost always done by asking the contributor for their address. So it doesn't strike anyone as strange that a candidate for an El Paso City Council seat apparently made a contribution to a candidate - on Election Day of the campaign he was running in no less - with an out-of-town, let alone out-of-state address?

Again, he's aligned with Max Grossman and was used in one of Grossman's weaponizing ethics complaints schemes - and his complaints were also thrown out. As I recall, in addition to being a financial contributor to the Tamayo campaign, Hernandez is also an attorney.

So it is more than a little funny that part of the reason his ethics complaint was kicked out was because he was referring to a law that doesn't exist.

I think going forward that the next time Grossman starts weaponizing ethics complaints, that the media should check is interest in campaigns and finance reports to see if the person filing the ethics complaint is contributing to, or getting paid by, a political campaign.

Man, this election cycle was fun.

Setting the Record Straight on Holguins & Dem Funds

Not too long ago on the El Paso Times Facebook Live interview of candidates for Precinct 3, El Paso Democratic Party Chairwoman and Precinct 3 candidate Iliana Holguin was asked about money from the El Paso County Democratic Party that was paid out to her spouse, former El Paso City Rep Eddie Holguin.

Chairwoman Holguin responded by thanking the reporter for the question because she wanted to "set the record straight" about the issue because there was "a lot of misinformation" circulating about the situation.

No there wasn't.

No matter how she tries to explain it, the facts are that under Chairwoman Holguin's watch, thousands of dollars from the El Paso County Democratic Party funds were given to her family's political consulting firm.

That is a fact. Its a fact in its entirety. Its not a half-truth. Its not innuendo. Its not a chisme.

It is a 100% verifiable fact and Iliana tried to make it seem like it never happened.

Oh it happened alright - here's a few screenshots of the finance reports from the El Paso County Democratic Party. They very clearly show that under Iliana Holguin's tenure as Chair of the El Paso County Democratic Party, that Democratic Party funds were given to their family's political consulting firm.

It very clearly happened.

Look how far you had to scroll down through screenshots to ever get to this sentence.

Now Iliana says the expenditures were for printing and other expenses and that the money ultimately wasn't going to their family business but instead going to vendors.

Then why not pay the vendors directly? Is she saying that the ONLY way to pay for those expenses were through her family consulting firm? If it was really for vendors there is NO REASON her family consulting firm would need to be a pass-through.

In fact, you'd think she'd take every precaution to avoid the appearance of a conflict.

Yeah, that is outright bullshit.

A good leader would realize that the optics of the situation alone, warrant erring on the side of caution and NOT using your own family's firm to provide the service / materials unless it was something you were donating to the party. But very clearly, it was not a donation.

At the very LEAST - this shows a lapse in ethics - at a minimum.

But lets really examine this a little more since Iliana is trying to sweep this all under the rug. The mailers...who were they for?

The Democratic candidates on the ballot that were facing Republicans. One of them was a JP race.

But the other one? Well that was for then candidate Carl Robinson.

Carl Robinson was a client of her family's consulting firm.

Carl Robinson then turned around and appointed Holguin to the UMC Board.

These are facts. This isn't misinformation. These aren't half-truths. These aren't rumors or innuendo.

They are cold, hard - inconvenient facts.

And no other El Paso County Democratic Party Chair has ever given Democratic Party funds to their family members. That has simply never happened before.

Not even under the worst of Democratic Party Chairs. And I assure you, we've had some bad ones.

Lets not act like this shit is normal.

It isn't.

The Signature Block

I get annoyed having to do this because well, I hate dealing with stupid. But like all the other things you don't want to do, but you have to occasionally like take out the trash, attend some lame training at the office, hear the wife tell you "I told you so", or read another one of Norma Chavez's Facebook posts where she thinks she's a legit news source about, well, anything.

Anywho, there is a commenter on an earlier piece about Bizarro Claudia - the new City Rep for District 6 and the fact that she failed to report $7k of in-kind campaign contributions from the El Paso County Republican Party chair-elect and his merry band of weiners.

So apparently the commenter is doubting the authenticity of the screenshots of the email I posted because there was no signature block and the two line says that it was two in-coming Elephant Chair Rick "but what about the kids" Seeberger.

I guess he's implying that what I said happened didn't happen. My first response is why would I lie about it - especially if I supplied screenshots. Second, you notice the Dandy didn't deny it right?

Because the email was obviously legit and they are wondering what to do about it because they spent the last few months making a big deal about ethics complaints that were frivolous but he knows this issue isn't.

But sure, I'l play along...

Here's a screenshot of the entire email. Take note of the signature block.

So look here Mr Commenter...when I say something, I know what the hell I'm talking about...

The 388th Family Court Race - Nastiest Race Ever

I've covered politics for a long time in this town. I've seen some pretty dirty and nasty stuff.

Usually involving races in the valley and usually in a race involving Norma Chavez.

But I can't remember any campaign for a judicial seat that is as bad as the one for thee 388th Family Court. Mostly because judicial candidates are held to a higher standard.

The incumbent is Judge Laura Strathmann and her opponent is Marlene Gonzalez. Obviously the challengers frequently attack the incumbent. Nothing wrong with that. That is how races are won. You go after one's record.

But its the way Gonzalez and her supporters do it. There is a lot of rage and vitriol in their attacks on Strathmann - and stuff that just straight up crosses the line.

For example, the Gonzalez campaign has an entire FB page devoted to Strathmann where they post all kinds of stuff that is just really awful. A recent post is pretty creepy. Someone posted a picture of Strathmann and her kids. Did the candidate herself do it?


But should she be discouraging that kind of stuff from her supporters?


Seriously, who allows an entire FB page devoted to their opponent to pop up like that? Who does that?

I've seen some other stuff that is just pretty damn terrible. Sexual remarks. Why women do that to other women is beyond me, they have enough problems with being sexualized in the work place by men, why other women use that as their weapon of choice is beyond me.

And of course there's the Caballeros that have been making it a point to attack Strathmann. And that one is 100% personal. Caballero is the courthouse bully and when something doesn't go her way she throws a tantrum.

Well her sister lost custody of her kids and it was in Strathmann's court. I guess Caballero thinks that there should be a separate system of the law that applies to her family.

But there are actually a lot of really interesting issues that need to be fleshed out in this race now that it has gotten my attention.

I'll be talking about them in a few blog posts.

Stay tuned.

Marlene Gonzalez's Campaign Workers Raise Tax Issues

Remember I told you how bad that judicial race was? Well this is part of a series I'm doing on that race in which there are some genuine concerns - magnified by the fact that the issues surround a campaign for a judicial seat.

Religious and non-profit entities are strictly forbidden from political activities. You can't be tax exempt and participate in political activities. Its a pretty simple rule.

That is why there is some controversy around volunteers or people employed by Marlene Gonzalez campaign. I say volunteers or people employed for a reason - because it is unclear.

I'll get to the pay thing shortly. For now, lets talk about facts. The non-profit in question is called Ministerio en Victoria. When you google them this is the website that shows up. It says its a Christian Rehab Center.

If you go to their Facebook page, its looks like its a church. They have video of entire church services on the page. From the photos, video, and the fact that the name is in Spanish, it looks like this is an organization that largely serves the Latino community. 

Looks like they have good reviews for what they do. This isn't a critique of the organization in the least. But there are some really important questions. 

According to Marlene Gonzalez's finance reports there was a contribution made to the organization (which I don't think judicial candidates are even allowed to do, though I'm still researching) on February 16, 2020. 

What is significant about that date?

It was the Sunday before the start of Early Voting. You'll see why that is important later. 

Marlene Gonzalez had what basically every other campaign in town was envious of during early voting...people power. Most campaigns were struggling to get coverage of polling places and Gonzalez had them all covered and had multiple people at the voting locations. Many of them were former clients based on my conversations with several of them. 

But several of them were young men that came from Ministerio en Victoria. How do I know? Well I'm glad you asked...

Because one morning when I was putting up signs at Pavo Real I saw a van pull up. I saw that it had the ministry name on the side and at first I didn't think anything of it. But then it hit me that they might be brining voters to vote so I went to grab my lit to hand out. When I went over to go talk to what I expected were voters, I found out it was a couple of the Gonzalez poll sitters. They all had gray hoodies and carried signs on Alameda. 

Later in the morning I was approached by one of my walkers who asked me if we could hire one of the guys because they weren't getting paid. Being the curious soul that I am, I struck up a conversation with one of the young men and asked him if he was volunteering. He shyly answered in Spanish that they weren't paid. To which I replied in Spanish, "oh, so you're a volunteer?"

He replied to me in Spanish that they had to be out there in exchange for room and board. 

Anecdotally I heard that they were paid $300 each for their time poll sitting during early voting. I can't verify that because it wasn't on any of the finance reports - which could be entirely on the up and up because of the timing of the 8 day report. But even if that number is accurate, which I hope it is not, that is pretty bad. If they didn't get paid and were out there in exchange for room and board, that would be an issue unto itself. But if they were paid $300 for the entirety of early voting, that is almost in some ways worse. Early voting was generally 9am-6pm, and ran for 13 days. That is a total of 104 hours of work if they stayed out there all day. $300 divided by 104 hours meant they were getting paid $2.88/hour. 

Are there people that volunteer to be out there all day during early voting? Sure. Not as many as their used to be, but yes they exist. But if they have to be out there for room and board - that is its own issue. But if they are out there for pay, I sure hope the $300 I was told was at lest per week. Then that would be about $5.76/hour. 

Both well below minimum wage. For Latino men being asked to work outside under the sun holding a sign in weather that would go from cold in the morning, to hot in the afternoon, back to cold in the evening. And don't get me started on the wind...

I sure hope that $300 contribution that just happened to be made right before early voting wasn't the compensation in its entirety. 

But lets back up for a minute. 

What were they doing working for a campaign to begin with? 

Whether that organization is a religious organization or a non-profit, they aren't supposed to participate in political activity. And as an organization - they most certainly were because they used their church / organization resources to transport the workers to the polling locations until someone raised the issue and then it suddenly stopped. 

And by someone, I mean me. 

But lest someone should doubt if they were actually using church / non-profit resources to transport the workers to conduct political activity days after receiving a contribution from a political candidate and those workers were campaigning on behalf of said candidate - I have video. 

There's always video, right?

This was taken at the Carolina Center on February 25th at 8:40am.

Quite frankly I don't know how it could be argued in the least that this isn't a very clear violation. How much more political of an act do you get then using your non-profit/church vehicle with the advertising on the side of the vehicle, to drop off and pick up campaign workers, at an early voting location, wearing campaign gear, and holding campaign material? 

Red-handed, smoking-gun - pick your metaphor here but the Gonzalez campaign is literally caught in the act here. 

And while you are attacking the incumbent at every turn about "justice" and "following the law" - while simultaneously engaging in an act like this, it certainly says one of two things - either they didn't know the laws involved, which is a terrible visual for a lawyer wanting to be a judge - or they knew the law and didn't care. 

I personally don't think its the latter. 

But sadly, there's more to discuss about this race. 

Stay tuned...

Politics & Covid 19 - Part 1

We are all pretty much confined to our homes and your ol' Homeboy LionStart has been slacking it again on the blog.

I know. But my beat is usually just politics and I try to stick to local politics because, well there are plenty of other blogs that do the whole national political thing.

But hey, if you stick around I'll make it up to you. Turns out, a local political appears to have physically threatened El Paso Mayor Dee Margo over the whole shelter-in-place thing.

So how did we end up with a shelter-in-place situation? Well, because all too often, people left to their own devices will always have some pendejos that don't listen and have to ruin things for everyone else. Sorta ruins the entire premise of libertarians' world view, but that is a blog for another day.

Apparently El Paso's Dandy boy, Max Grossman now fancies himself some sort of constitutional scholar and has gotten is bloomers and top hat on a little tight. He's apparently having a fit over the shelter-in-place order and is going after his fellow Republican El Paso Mayor Dee Margo pretty badly.

I mean forget the fact that the number of cases in El Paso keeps rising and the whole point of shelter-in-place is to minimize the spread of the virus so that our hospitals aren't overwhelmed in the process.  No, that doesn't matter to the Dandy. He wants to still be able to grandstand and play dress-up in front TV cameras in downtown El Paso.

But the point is to stay home - for everyone else's good. So he rants on social media. He's what we used to call in the Army, a buddy-fucker.

He will fuck over his buddy, for his own gain or satisfaction. If there is a better textbook definition for the Dandy, I'd love to hear it because that one fits pretty damn well.

Anwho, stay the fuck home Max and all you other dumbass Maxes out there that are ruining it for everyone else. Stop being selfish. Stop being self-important. Save lives and stay your ass home.

Well Max is pals with notorious immigrant-harraser and felon Anthony Aguero. You remember him right? He's the guy that made all kinds of noise about how he was leading a movement and he was going to be the next member of congress, etc. Well he took a major beatdown in the Republican primary and really underperformed as a candidate.

Seriously, that shit was embarrassing.

Well it turns out his buddy / campaign manager was another whack-job named Chris Yost. Now if you want to hear some really funny stuff, you should listen to the recorded phone calls between Sam Williams - on the Republicans that trounced Aguero and is still in a run-off - and Yost. Williams makes him look like an idiot.

Yost ultimately sounded pretty submissive to Williams, which is funny if you have heard Yost speak or read any of his social media postings.

Well Yost appears to be joining the Dandy in his opposition to the shelter-in-place order. So he has also taken to social media to air out his opposition. But man, does this guy go off the deep end...

Look, you all know that I am one of Mayor Margo's biggest critics. Quite frankly, I've been one of his biggest critics for years, since her was the State Representative for the westside. Political disagreements are what this country was founded on. But I ache never heard for someone threaten an elected official - then did so in writing - through social media for the whole world to see.

I honestly don't understand how this isn't a crime. This appears to be a pretty cut-and-dry incident of threatening a public official. I mean he wants to remove Margo, "by force if need be".

I'm not sure how that could be interpreted any other way. No one twisted this guy Yost's arm to make a public statement like that. He did that on his own. But its really disturbing, especially when you see how much he likes to brag about his firearms.

Stick around for another - equally infuriating - part to this post about the local political angle. Only this time, it'll involve some pretty prominent Democrats...

Call Centers and Cornavirus

Well we now have community-spread Coronavirus in El Paso. Last week the County Judge issued an order closing all non-essential businesses. Today or tomorrow there will likely be a more strict order or perhaps some enforcement measures for the existing Shelter-in-Place Order.

If there is a new order or more strict measures, I suggest we start with call centers. Because seriously, warranties on Hyundai's are in no way a critical service right now.

El Paso is filled with call centers, mostly located on the Far East and Far West sides of town. Most call centers are repurposed warehouse spaces. Essentially giant boxes with cubical farms in the middle.

They cram a lot of employees into tight spaces and they have shift work. So that means you have a lot of people in close proximity, coming and going in and out of those places all day long. If you've ever worked in a call center, you know there is no such thing as social distancing. Headsets, phones, keyboards...all notorious harbors for germs and viruses. Lots of surfaces for them to live on.

Then that employee gets off work, freeing up a work station to be filled by the next person's shift. The first guy goes home. But on his way home from work, maybe he stops at the gas pump to fill his tank. Touching the handle some other person unknowingly touches just a minute or two later because hey, gas is cheap right now. Its one of those things we do without thinking.

If he went in for a tall boy to knock back before he goes home he likely touched the door to walk in, maybe shuffled around a few beers in that ice bin before he found his brand. Maybe on his way to go pay for his tall boy he grabs a snack before laying it all on that counter and paying 20 bucks on pump 7. He whips out his debit card and fingers the key pad with his PIN to complete the transaction.

Maybe one person also touches the door, another touches the ice he was digging around in. Some young little kid that can barely reach the counter throws his bag of hot Cheetos on the counter to pay.

Everyone touches the keypad.

See where I'm going with this?

Could this happen at any workplace? Sure. Absolutely.

But call centers are the worst, we have a lot of them, and most of your employees at call centers are right about that age that seems to be the most infected in El Paso - twenties to forties.

Have some of them shut down? Yes, there are some that have been pretty responsible and have sent as many folks home to work from home as possible.

But a lot of them are still open.

That example of Hyundai warranties I mentioned at the start of this post - thats real. There's a call center a couple of blocks east of Lee Treviño right now that is open and operating. I know some workers there and they are all really worried about catching something. Someone was sick and sent home, but thats it. Nothing else was done as far as my sources know. And the job of servicing those warranties for Hyuandais keeps going on.

To clarify, I don't think former El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser, famous for his Hyundai dealership here in town, has anything to do with the facility or the contract that call center has with Hyandai's corporate office. But it would sure show some good mayoral leadership on his part if he got them to make some changes for the good of their employees and the entire El Paso community, especially now that we know we have community-spread cases.

All the call centers in El Paso should be doing that.

Profit isn't more important than people.

Exploiting Corona Virus

I knew it was going to happen, it was just a matter of time. It was just like people exploiting "El Paso Strong" for everything from political campaigns to selling used cars.

People will never pass up the opportunity to cash-in on a tragedy or the suffering of others. I can't stop it - and believe me, I wish I could.

But I can at least call it out when I see it. I honestly can't believe I have to say this out loud, but you shouldn't be trying to raise money for your political campaign during a time when we are all hunkered down because of the Coronavirus.

People are suffering and out of work because of this virus.

Seniors and folks with compromised immune systems are locked up in their homes out of fear of catching a virus that is very deadly to them.

This is not the time for you to be asking for their money.

Or sponsoring social media ads about all the "charity" work you're doing for others. That is trying to capitalize on the plight of others and is downright shameful.

And yet the chair of our El Paso Democratic Party is doing just that. I have a blog about why a chair should never be able to run for office, but I'll get to that some other time.

But this activity is embarrassing.

And before y'all start making excuses for her - I don't fault her allegedly wanting to help the less fortunate out right now. But when she advertises it on her campaign page - that is overtly political - and embarrassing.

And she's also trying to raise money too.

Don't believe me?

I thought not, which is why I have a screenshot.

This was a post from March 17, well after all the Coronavirus stuff started...I know this because she had a fundraiser scheduled that had to be canceled because of the virus.

I'm embarrassed as a life-long Democrat and I'm embarrassed as an El Pasoan that we have political figures that would try to raise money for their coffers online while many of you are starting to worry about how long it will be before you can get back to work and get some money flowing again.

Look, I get it.

She's a candidate and she has political aspirations. But they can't be more important than the every day lives of El Pasoans. You can't be tone-deaf to the needs of the very people she wants to represent. Do you know how many people are out of work in her own backyard because Speaking Rock is closed?

She's a wealthy attorney from the westside who lives in a gated community and in a much different place financially than the people that live around her. You'd think that at a minimum, a bare minimum, she would understand that concept. There'll be time for political aspirations.

But now is not it.

Times like this reveal character. There are two types of leaders during a crisis - the ones that are trying to benefit from it and get attention, and the ones trying to solve problems for their constituents.  And don't tell me she's not trying to capitalize off of it, because there wouldn't be multiple and sponsored posts about it.

Now is about getting through the next few weeks, together as a community. Now should not be about Iliana Holguin's political aspirations.

El Paso Democratic Party Updates

Sorry, I know I should be blogging way more than I am right now but the reality is that I've been pretty busy. But fear not, I've found a groove to make some time to blog more often.

None of the El Paso County Democratic Party auxiliary organizations are meeting during this shelter in place, nor are any of them scheduled to meet anytime in the near future.

The Paso Del Norte Tejano Democrats have had some interesting developments though. Right before the crowd restrictions, there was an internal struggle for leadership within the organization between Iliana Holguin's faction - which is made up of Lily Limón, Chris Acosta, and Anna Perez (not the judge - the other one) - and the duly elected Chairwoman, Mary Bowles-Gasca.

Most of the back-and-forth struggle has manifested in a series of emails that keep being sent out by the Eddie/Iliana Holguin faction that keeps asking for meetings to be held on alternative days and locations. The emails are sent out only to members who they have identified as their supporters, not the group in its entirety. The back-and-forth emails were causing major confusion among members.

There are no provisions in the Bylaws that provide for information or emails to be targeted to only particular members - I looked.

As a result in late March, Chairwoman Bowles-Gasca sent out an email clarifying several issues. Most importantly that the statewide Tejano organization has long recognized Chairwoman Bowles-Gasca as the Chair of the Paso Del Norte Tejano Democrats. That point further underscores the fact that the emails sent out by Limón / Acosta were done so outside of their authority. The email also underscores the fact that Limón / Acosta were removed from their offices under provisions in the Tejano Bylaws and Robert's Rules of Order.

All of this has been transpiring with the backdrop of major concerns raised by several members about financial transactions and alleged reporting accountability breaches by Anna Perez, the Treasurer of the Tejano Democrats.

According to the letter sent out by Chairwoman Bowles-Gasca, she and the remaining officers of the PDN Tejano Democrats are now in possession of several financial documents and records they have been trying to obtain from Anna Perez for months.

Those documents are apparently being scrutinized and will be examined and audited.

The main takeaway is that the State Tejano organization has formally recognized Mary Bowles-Gasca's leadership or the local entity and there is no official recognition of any other leaders of the organization.



The only other activity of note is the fact that the newly re-launched El Paso Young Democrats has gotten off the ground but apparently has a bit of strange start. It is unclear if this is decision of the organization or just the organization's currently leader unilaterally, to "primary" a newly elected official.

What is interesting about that effort is that the El Paso Young Democrats - of which I was one of the original founders many years ago - presumably has the goal of electing young Democrats and Democrats that will champion issues of young Democrats - came out of the gate with a divisive stance of wanting to "primary" a candidate.

Why that is of not is because their intent is to "primary" a candidate that was a) just elected and b) is in fact, the youngest member of the delegation. Why on earth a Democratic auxiliary that is dedicated to electing and supporting young Democrats would be wanting to primary the youngest member of the delegation - before they have even taken a single vote or filed a single bill, shows that the idea of primarying someone is more based on the organization's leadership's personal feelings rather than policy.

Although seriously, the emptiest threat in politics is someone who has never won an election threatening to primary someone. I'd be remiss if I didn't note that the El Paso Young Democrats current leader is a financial contributor to the losing candidate in that race.

Interestingly that contribution was made on the very same day the organization endorsed that losing candidate. That endorsement came before the organizations first general membership meeting.

Just stating the facts as they transpired.


El Paso County Democratic Party

What is most interesting is what is NOT happening right now at the El Paso County Democratic Party.


Now look, politics is not an essential activity at this time. But other organizations are using tools to facility meetings. It would be very easy for the El Paso County Democratic Party to continue with precinct chair meetings and other activities by utilizing existing technology.

the fact that it hasn't happened is simply because the Chair cares more about her own campaign than doing the work of the Party right now.

Which is fine and completely understandable. Its also the reason that she should've resigned her position a long time ago.

I'll go more into the details of that conversation in another blog post - because I think its important that there be some rules in place going forward about situations like that.

Also of note, Gina Ortiz Jones will be hosting a Virtual Town Hall this Wednesday at 6:30 PM CT/5:30 PM MT. Please use the link above to RSVP and receive all the necessary information.


Social Distancing & Enforcement

Photo Credit: Herman Delgado
Social distancing is only as good as the enforcement behind it.

I saw a story on KVIA last night that stated that there have been thousands of complaints about businesses and residents not adhering to social distancing - but that only 8 citations have been given out by the City of El Paso.

Well no wonder you're having a hard time getting the public to comply - if you're telling the public to adhere to social distancing standards and then received complaints from thousands of El Pasoans looking out for their fellow Paseños by reporting violations - and then you only issue 8 citations - then you're sending out the message that social distancing ain't all that important to you.

Seriously, the fact that there have been over 4,000 complaints about non-compliance with social distancing orders but only 8 citations being issues SHOULD BE THE STORY! Policy makers should be asking why there are so many complaints ands so few actual citations issued.

No one is saying that the city needs to come down on people with draconian measures, but seriously if you only give out 8 citations out of over 4,000 complaints, its hard to take the orders seriously. Its not like people are unaware of the fact that they have to practice social distancing. At this point, there is NO WAY people don't know that they need to stay home, that gatherings are supposed to be off limits, etc.

But call centers are still open. People are still going grocery shopping as couples or entire families, instead of just one person at a time.

The reality is that people that don't take this seriously are screwing you and I over. We all want to get back to normal. We all want to get back to work and see our families again. Good Lord knows we all want to be able to open up bars, restaurants, barbers, salons, etc again.

But there are always those people that think the rules don't apply to them. That think they are more important than you and put us all at jeopardy. Here's a link to another story by KVIA in which my buddy Herman actually caught people in the act of holding gatherings at their homes over the Easter holiday.

Policy makers need to make compliance with the shelter in place orders a priority.

Stay tuned, because there is a second part to this post.

Rodriguez Sides with Call Centers; Against Workers & Community

City Rep Henry Rivera had an agenda item to figure out some ways to ensure that large businesses like call centers are complying with the orders relating to mitigating the spread of COVID-19 in the community.

Frankly I think the better discussion is how those germ farms are even considered essential work right now, but that is a blog for another day.

Bottom line is that call centers are a big potential threat to the community because they employ a lot of people, often in shift work, in tight quarters where employees share keyboards and headsets with the shift before them or after them. Multiple news sources have reported on at least one call center allegedly hiding employees while city inspectors were on the premises along with other alleged violations.

Call center employees then go home and potential expose their families - or you and I if they go grocery shopping, etc.

So Rivera being responsive to his community wanted to explore some options on how to deal with that issue. Common sense right? The entire city council was on board with it.

This is one of those no-brainer type issues.

All except one city representative - newly-elected Republican District 6 City Rep Claudia Rodriguez.

You remember her right? The one who had to be explained what the difference was between yay and nay. She's the City Rep that was bought and paid for by Max Grossman - who is currently on a crusade to use the corona virus to defund the voter-approved projects in the downtown area.

Well incredibly and inexplicably, Rodriguez voted against the effort to come up with some solutions to better protect workers in call centers and by extension, the community - to include your parents and possibly grandparents.

The only other time Rodriguez has really even spoke on any issue having to do with the pandemic is to make sure that the city was gong to come down the Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo with restrictions. Apparently she's never heard of the fact that its a sovereign nation - or that it shut down operations BEFORE the city came out with its orders.

I seriously hope the Pueblo decides to contribute to one of her opponents (yes, there are a couple lining up to get a decent city rep back in that seat).

We all want to get back to normal. We all want to be able to spend time with our families again and do all the stuff we used to do before the pandemic. We can get there a whole lot faster when people are complying with rules so we can mitigate this spread and beat this thing.

It makes no sense that there are policy makers that don't understand that very basic concept and would vote against protecting members of their community.

Its not leadership.

Its reckless.

And she puts us all at risk.

Gallinar Opposes Salary Cuts of City Employees

El Paso Mayoral candidate Carlos Gallinar released a statement following city council's meeting yesterday in which he opposed the idea of cutting salaries of city staff. 

Gallinar is the only mayoral candidate to take a position on this controversial issue so far. He will be facing incumbent Mayor Dee Margo, former Mayor Oscar Leeser, and Veronica Carbajal in the November general election. 

I still haven't figured out who the idiot was that thought that moving city elections to November was a good idea but I'm sure there was something in it for them. All moving the city elections to November did was make money an even bigger factor in local races because it costs much more money for your average city council candidate to run for office when facing the prospect of having to penetrate the message of the presidential and gubernatorial races on the ballot. 

So now big money plays an even bigger factor in local races and there's no indication that El Paso voters have benefitted in the least. They should reverse this pendejada first chance they get. 

Oscar Leeser is probably reeling from the fact that his consulting firm, Sun Circle - made up of former City Reps Eddie Holguin and Lily Limón who were both recently all but run out of the Tejano Democrats, had a very poor showing in the primary election cycle. There are folks around the mayor that did not want Holguin and Limón to run his campaign and by the looks of it, Leeser is trying to appease everyone in his camp - which is ultimately going to blow up in his face. 

Leeser is going to rely 100% on his name ID - because Lord knows his campaign team isn't getting the job done. Leeser rarely spoke about issues, policy, or substance the last time he ran so don't expect it to happen this time around. 

Margo will talk policy and he's had probably one of the most eventful terms as Mayor of any other mayor if you think about it. He was mayor during the August 3rd shooting and the COVID-19 Pandemic. But he's going to lose and apparently is the only one that doesn't know it. 

So the policy stuff will be between Gallinar and Carbajal. She'd have a much better chance at winning if she weren't so closely aligned with Max Grossman, who seems to go out of his way to make sure he's the most despised Dandy in all of local politics. Okay, he's the only Dandy - but at some point she has to get her own identity separate from him and Duranguito if she wants to be successful. 

Here's Gallinar's comments on council's decision to examine pay cuts for employees:

“The City of El Paso must abandon its plans to cut the salaries of employees impacted by the COVID-19 closures and consider the long-term impact that action will have on our local economy and families,” mayoral candidate Carlos Gallinar said. 
“This is not a time to negotiate pay cuts of any kind for our frontline workers.  We cannot ask our city employees to continue to work during a pandemic while we also cut their wages.” 

Gallinar said the recommendation to cut salaries does not provide significant savings to the city’s budget shortfall and will instead hurt the morale and dignity of our employees. The city must first consider options like hiring freezes and reducing other funds before contemplating cutting salaries.  

“We must also begin to think about a long term strategy for El Paso to be resilient through this pandemic.  Now more than ever, we need strong leaders at city hall with a long-term vision that can work with our partners to advocate for the necessary resources to support our working families and small businesses,” added Gallinar. 

Open El Paso Protesters Stupid & Selfish

The protest taking place tomorrow at the El Paso County Courthouse is an exercise in how the right will always find a way to be hypocrites, make fools of themselves, and a mockery of what they supposedly stand for.

But it is also an exercise of public ego masturbation.

Mark my words - you're going to see a bunch of nut cases out there - Trump flags, the assault rifle guys, the anti-women groups (the ones they call "pro choice") etc.

But what you won't see is a rational conversation about the current situation with the virus or any conversation about balancing the economic conditions with the medical situation.

Nope, you're just gonna see a bunch of selfish people who only care about their economic situation at the moment. And that is the most privileged bullshit you can hear from people who fancy themselves as tough, salt-of-the-earth, self-reliant, pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps people who pretend to be patriot Americans.

But they aren't. They are the epitome of the "snowflake".

My Tata was a Marine. Not just a Marine, but a stormed-the-beach-at-Iwo-Jima Marine. When I was a boy he told me war stories - but my abuelita told me how things were here in the States during the war. She told me of the collective sacrifice made by Americans. There were rations. There were things you had to do without because it was needed for the war effort. She never said it was fun - but it was a collective struggle that was done without bitching a moaning because everyone knew what the big picture was - a little short-term discomfort for a long-term victory.

Can you imagine the delicate little snowflakes that are going to gather on Saturday during World War II? We haven't even been in this as long as Lent lasts and these little sunflowers are having a meltdown.

Here's what these ego maniacs don't understand. The world doesn't revolve around them. They aren't the only people going through a struggle right now. Lots of people are out of work because of this virus. They aren't the only ones.

They are just the only ones following the other dumb lug nuts in other parts of the country doing the protests.

Monkey see, monkey do.

Now look a big part of me is like hey, this is social Darwinism. The dumb ones will get weeded out through scenarios just like this one. Part of me wants them to all get in real close to one another, hug, breath on one another and just for good measure, part of me wants to do a little ethnic turn of the tables a toss a coronavirus infected blanket into their crowd.

I kid of course.

The reality is that the selfishness that is about to be displayed by these merry band of idiots puts the entire community at risk. Essentially, their stupidity doesn't just hurt them - it will hurt all of us. People that attended other similar events in other states are already coming back positive for the virus.

Hell, I bet a big portion of them won't even be wearing masks because they are convinced its all a hoax and anyone wearing a mask there will be considered a "libtard" by all the other idiots there.

Political Hypocrisy

If there's one thing people hate in politics, its a hypocrite. So lets examine a little more deeply what is going to happen on Saturday. A group of people who feel like they are in a desperate situation, who are having a very difficult time financially, are pushed to the extreme step of ignoring what they believe are unjust rules - in order so that they can work and provide a better life for their families.

Hmmmm, that sure sounds familiar doesn't it? That same group of people gathering on Saturday will  consist of people across that racist spectrum from inappropriate joke racist to Mexican-hunting cosplayers to straight-up Neo-nazi, Neo-confederate nut jobs - are going to be doing something they have all preached against.

I mean after all, the law is the law. Rules are rules. Thin blue line and all that stuff, amirite?

So what do you call a bunch of people that are so desperate because of their economic situation that they are willing to break rules they see as unjust because they just wanna go to work and provide for their families?

Well I'll tell you what the group that is going to gather on Saturday would call people like that...

They'd call them a bunch of illegals.

I mean, stop me when I'm wrong here.

They are doing exactly what many undocumented immigrants do because of their situation. Only the reality is that the plight of the undocumented is far worse than a bunch of snowflakes that are bitching because they can't play golf, visit their hairdresser, or any other manner of ridiculously stupid inconveniences.

Maybe now that pocho vendido "Conservative Anthony" who recently got his ass kicked in his failed congressional bid, will be able to understand better why undocumented immigrants are pushed to the point of risking their lives due to their economic condition instead of playing dress-up in the desert with other felons hunting Mexicans.

Every last person that goes to that protest on Saturday is no different than every undocumented immigrant that ever dreamed of a better life in the United States - except that immigrants coming to make a better life for their families doesn't put public health at-risk like a bunch of privileged glory-whores will on Saturday.

But hey, since were are talking political hypocrisy - why stop there. Those virus-deniers also fail to realize that they are completely selling out their core values about protecting life by deliberately conspiring to jeopardize public health. Seriously a bunch of people getting together and potentially spreading the virus - while thoroughly entertaining to me personally - isn't exactly "protecting life". Its not what I would call a "pro-life" move.

You know what would be a "pro-life" move?

Staying the fuck home!

But you know what these snowflakes are actually saying when they gather on Saturday?

Well I'm glad you asked...what they are actually saying is that you know what? Its MY body and its MY choice what I do with it.

Does that sound familiar too?

Well it should.

Their argument for risking their health by gathering people in large crowds, is that its their body and THEIR choice on how they use it. Who is anyone else to question what they do with their own bodies and their own health choices?

Yeah, exactly.

Republicans gathering on Saturday are essentially putting the right to choose into public practice.

Although there is one big difference.

When a woman makes a choice about her health, its a personal decision that affects her as an individual. These snowflakes on Saturday are going to put El Pasoans across the County at risk - their personal choice is going to be our public risk.

¿Pero sabes que?

There is an order in place.

Stay the hell home!

In a state of emergency, the county judge is the chief law enforcement officer in the local area. The Mayor and County Judge have reached a decision long ago about what will and will not be allowed under the coronavirus restrictions. But to the lack of compliance, the County Judge and the Mayor have been adjusting the order accordingly.

It took a little while but eventually every outdoor and large gathering event was shut down due to the risk of coronavirus.


Because it was a risk to public safety. The COMMUNITY wanted it. If these protesters are allowed to openly and willingly violate the shelter-in-place orders with no repercussions - it is going to send the message to the community that you can violate the order with impunity because so one is going to do anything about it if you do.

Essentially, the terrorists win in that scenario.

And by terrorists - I mean all those dumbasses gathering on Saturday.

But hey, I'm sure there's a reasonable policy solution to this situation.

May I suggest that everyone going to the protest on Saturday, have to sign a form that surrenders their right to ANY medical treatment following any exposure at the rally. Sure its their body, their choice. But ideologically I'm sure they wouldn't want the rest of us to have to pay the bills for their choices, amirite?

I'd be remiss if I didn't address the obvious - one of the organizers is Sammy Carrejo. He's not mentally stable. He's been on a weird vendetta against Sheriff Wiles for years. Did you see that KTSM interview? WEIRD! He was trying to read from a script to mitigate the crazy, but they guy has a documented history of putting others in danger. He's gone to jail for it several times. Now he wants to put the entire community in danger.

But he's also a tremendous hypocrite and doing this for attention. He wants to open things up - but when it was convenient for him, just a few days ago in fact, he went on an attack against Sheriff Wiles - being critical of how Wiles is dealing with the situation in the county jail.

Don't just take my word for it - see what he says for yourself:

Cute huh? Just the other day he's talking about "putting the public and his employees at risk" and now he's organizing the modern equivalent of a Chicken Pox Party.

The bottom line is that anyone that attends the protest tomorrow is positive for stupid. I'm afraid its in the acute phase. Its very clearly chronic and they are in the final stages of the disease.

And sadly, there is no cure, vaccine, or treatment for stupid. Not even an injection of disinfectant will work.

::Cue the sad Sarah McLachlan song::

KTSM Appropriately Punishes Patty Maese

Photo Courtesy of Ruben Ramirez
Reports are circling that KTSM journalist Patty Maese is no longer with KTSM Newschannel 9 following some controversial remarks she recently made against the subject of a story.

It is unclear if her participation in an Open El Paso rally on Saturday was part of the decision. It is unclear if she was fired, asked to resign in lieu of termination, or if she resigned on her own. What is clear is that the station made public the fact that it was going to take some action against Maese following controversial remarks she made about an educator.

And I want to make it clear that the two issues (the comments and the protest) are very distinct.  

Issue one is a comment made by Maese on a KTSM Facebook thread on one of their recent stories. KTSM conducted an interview with Sammy Carrejo who is touted as one of the organizers of the event, but he said something interesting in that interview I want to point out - but I'll get back to that in a minute. 

KTSM subsequently ran a story featuring someone who is opposed to the Reopen Texas protest. The story featured an interview with Ruby Montana who is a professor at UTEP. Montana gave her opinion on the rally - because she was interviewed by the station - because she teachers Ethics, Philosophy, and Humanities at UTEP.

Maese, a journalist and employee of KTSM then posts a very controversial post - a post that was eventually deleted. Here is the post, in which Maese characterizes Montana as 

"...someone who has never really worked a day in her life and is still collecting a paycheck, while millions of Americans see their livelihoods crumble."

Interestingly, Patty Maese was also collecting a check at the time of the interview. Its also interesting that Maese was the PIO at a local school district for a year or so - so the fact that she referred to an educator not having ever worked a day in her life is particularly noteworthy. 

I can't think of any time that an on-air reporter commented on a story on a station's social media being critical of a subject of a story. And lets be honest, neither can you. Its a decidedly editorial position from a reporter. Think about it, do you ever recall Estela Casa attacking someone in a story? Hector Urrutia, Gary Warner, Elizabeth O'Hara, or any of the other long-time journalists in El Paso?


Obviously Maese was referring to the teaching profession, which has bothered a lot of El Pasoans. Maybe she shouldn't have attacked teachers when so many parents are struggling to homeschool their kids right now and have a deeper appreciation for the work of teachers. 

Its also strange to watch a female journalist attack another woman who is also in a field dominated by men. Seriously, women can't catch a break!

Now before the Libertarians and Republican in town start acting like she's some sort of martyr for the conservative movement, lets keep a few things in perspective. First, we don't know what, if any, role Maese's participation in the rally had in whatever punishment was administered by the station. 

But bear in mind the position she put the station in. She's a journalist at KTSM, she commented on a story by KTSM, on a facebook page belonging to KTSM, relative to a rally she supported and likely helped organize. All stations have clauses in their contracts with reporters about conduct. That is standard in the industry and has been in place long before the latest round of Open Up movements. 

But screenshots from social media show that Maese was more involved in the protest on Saturday than you might think. Here's a picture of her making a sign that was ultimately used by another protester.

Photo courtesy of Ruben Ramirez

Several days ago a Facebook group called Reopen Texas popped up and a lot of people in El Paso were added to the group. They are the organization behind Saturday's protest in downtown El Paso. The protest featured a modest number of people, all ignoring social distancing rules and comes on the heels of an escalation of rules coming from the city and county meant to combat the spread of COVID-19 in the El Paso area. 

Tens of people attended.

Now, remember earlier that one of the organizers of the event said something when he was interviewed earlier in the week that I wanted to get back to? Well Sammy Carrejo was being interviewed and he made an interesting comment. He was very clearly reading off a script - which is interesting - and the comment was, 

"...poverty, despair and isolation kill more people than any virus."
What is interesting about that comment from Carrejo is that Patty Maese made the exact same comment on a post in that Facebook group. I highlighted it in yellow in the screenshot below. 

But pay close attention to the two things I highlighted in a different color. That is former El Paso County Commissioner Sergio Lewis thanking Maese for "taking the lead on this", and former El Paso journalist Noreen Jaramillo is "glad to be a part of this". 

So Carrejo either completely stole the line from Maese and pass it off as his own - which is highly probable - or the message was coordinated. I mean it is pretty interesting that the interview with Carrejo just happened to be on the station she worked for...amirite?

As you can see in this screenshot - Maese is an administrator for the page.

Speaking of Carrejo not being very bright...my favorite part of the protest is when some young lady is speaking and he clearly thinks she's spoken enough (Sammy doesn't think very highly of women) and he pulls the bullhorn out of her hands so he can speak some more. But now he sounds like a broke-ass version of Bobcat Goldthwait.

I kid you not, he gets on the bullhorn and tells people to get out of the street saying "...rules are rules. Gotta follow'em..."

You know, the guy who organized an event so that tens of El Pasosans can get together and break the rules.

Again, I kid you not, in the very next sentence, Bobcat Carrejo then says, "Alright, everybody here - squeeze in..."

This was at an event that he said they would be maintaining social distancing, lol. The ultimate public face palm.

Speaking of face palms, this was my favorite guy there.

Photo courtesy of Ruben Ramirez
He has a shirt that says "Viva Trump", he's got a confederate flag on his face, he's holding an American flag, an Israeli flag, and the Russian flag. He is thoroughly confused but exactly what the El Paso GOP looks like...

And clearly, he was doing shots of Fabuloso before the event yesterday....

As for Maese, it is unclear what exactly she was let go for, but again she put the station in a bad spot and they basically had no alternative. The various news stations in town have been reporting on the rash of cases popping up, and on the very day of the event El Paso reported its largest jump in cases yet. So while stations have been doing their part to get the message out to El Pasoans about how to avoid getting and spreading the virus, a journalist actively participating in an effort that puts the public at risk and openly defies the shelter-in-place guidelines compromises the integrity of a state and her individually as a journalist.

Bravo to KTSM for doing the right thing.


I just received a screenshot of Maese's comments following this incident. To be clear she is not apologizing for what she said, nor apologizing to educators.

She is claiming it was her decision to leave KTSM.

She also, again incorrectly identifies Professor Montana as a government instructor. That is a key fact she seems to keep getting wrong - which is weird because journalists are supposed to deal in facts.

Here is the screenshot of her comments:

Patty Maese Part 2

Former KTSM reporter Patty Maese separated from her employer immediately following a couple of recent developments including comments made about educators and directed at a UTEP professor - and her attendance at an Open Texas protest.

Now, as I expected manny on the right in El Paso are trying to make her some sort of martyr for the conservative cause. But it is unclear as to what exactly transpired to lead to her separation from KTSM - which is important precisely because the effort to make her a martyr.

Because there are two narratives - one that says she was fired and one that says she quit. Now publicly she said quit. Her statements following her departure indicated that she left KTSM and it was her decision to leave. Almost like she was doing so out of protest.

The other narrative from industry folks is that she was given the opportunity to apologize and she refused, at which point she was let go.

Which is true? Well the naked truth is we will probably never know - we will only hear each side’s version of what happened.

But here’s what we do know. Following her departure from KTSM - Maese decided to publish the criminal record of her boss at KTSM. When you strip all the other stuff away, the reality is that if you left on your own terms out of some deep devotion to principle - you wouldn’t be trashing your old boss. Maybe you’d trash the station or the parent company...but when you go after a particular employee, well that is a dead giveaway that its personal.

Its always dangerous when you start trying to blow up the bridge behind you by trashing people like that because the truth is, everyone has what we refer to as “dirt” or “skeletons in the closet”. When you engage in that behavior, especially when its just meant to tarnish someone else’s reputation, its very destructive. ITs one of those things that a person would cry foul about if it happened to them.

Bottom line is that if you left on your own terms and weren’t fired, you don’t trash your boss. You only trash your boss when they fire you.

Internal Documents Show Divided El Paso GOP

Lest you get the impression that only the El Paso County Democratic Party is plagued by infighting, I thought I would provide you a look inside the El Paso Republican Party.

There is a Chaos Clique that includes failed congressional candidate and new incoming El Paso GOP chairman Rick Seeberger and his handler Max Grossman that seems dead-set on turning the El Paso GOP into an extension of the political consulting firm.

I guess they saw what Iliana Holguin and Eddie Holguin were doing with the El Paso County Democratic Party and figured they wanted to get in on the action.

Apparently things have gotten so bad in the El Paso GOP that the current chair, and apparently the only adult in the room, Adolfo Telles, had to send out a letter clarifying who is officially speaking on behalf of the El Paso GOP.

The fault line between the two factions appears to be along the lines of support for El Paso Mayor Dee Margo. Margo is the most successful Republican the local GOP has seen in years, being elected to the state legislature and mayor of El Paso. Until City Rep Claudia Rodriguez was elected, Margo was pretty much the last of the Mohicans from the GOP. The two of them were only elected because they ran in nonpartisan races and would've lost if they ran for any office as a Republican.

Grossman leads the anti-Dee Margo wing of the El Paso GOP. Its nothing philosophical or platform-based. Grossman just likes getting his entitled way and it bothers him when he can't get it. That is why he and his buddies decided to pull an Holguin Family move and use the political party infrastructure for personal and political gain.

The irony of the fact that Grossman - who is Hillary-hatin'"you're-just-a-libtard" Republican - is taking a page from the Holguin family playbook isn't lost on me. Neither is the fact that there are people who call themselves devoted Democrats, but a close friends and followers of Max Grossman - you know, like former City Rep and Holguin family consulting business partner, Lily Limón. So next time you hear her talk about how she;'s such a Democrat and is critical of Trump, Abbott, or Margo - just remember she's a close Grossman ally.

Personally, I can't wait until Seeberger and his handler Grossman take over the El Paso Republican Party. They are going to blow the hole thing up and as a Democrat, that brings me great joy. I hope they go full-on Joker and burn stacks of money, laughing menially the whole time, holding all the Republican blue-hairs hostage as they clutch their pearls.

It also has me wondering what role the Holguin Family political consulting firm Sun Circle with now have with the El Paso GOP since they are all so tight. Remember that Eddie Holguin's political mentor was a Republican, the late Jaime O. Perez.

Seeberger and Grossman's ego while running the El Paso GOP are going to be amazing - topped only by the excuses they will come up with once they lose a bunch of elections.

Understand that for Seeberger, this is personal. He is pretty disconnected from reality as a general rule but he actually blames the El Paso GOP for the beat-down he took at the hands of Veronica Escobar last election cycle. I mean he really got his ass kicked.

But to hear him in this email, in which he stomps his feet and calls for Telles' resignation, he has a "master strategist" that he was bringing in. That would apparently have made all the difference, lol. As opposed to say a "novice strategist".

He also weirdly refers to himself in the third person. Teaming up that ego with Grossman...that is going to be some glorious crow-eating for the next two years...assuming Seeberger actually survives two years as Chair of the local GOP.

Sam Williams, who is in a run-off to be the Republican candidate that gets slaughtered in November against Escobar has a pretty deep-seeded rivalry with Seeberger. Williams was a write-in candidate and had a very poor showing but he was more the Republican Party prototypical Trump candidate than Seeberger. Seeberger was upset that he felt the GOP leadership in El Paso didn't get behind him. They didn't get behind him, I can only assume, because his track recorded was so dubious, especially as it relates to money, which is the kiss of death in a Republican.

It is doubtful Seeberger gets behind whoever ends up being the traditional November sacrificial lamb for the congressional seat.

Margo, Masks & the Dandy

Margo is going to lose his reelection bid and he is probably the only person that doesn't know that yet. I've made that point many times.

But seriously, I think the whole "gotcha" photo of him not wearing a mask while having food at golf course is really overblown. First, you can't eat and wear a mask. Not sure if some of you have figured out the physics of that yet. I don't know any of the people in the picture other than Margo and I think one of them is his wife, but honestly couldn't tell you for sure. The people standing look like they are golfers.

For me, the bigger issue is that golf courses are even open. The idea that you can play sports of 4 or less people is pretty much just the Rich White Folks Exemption. That is what Margo should be setting the example on - not going to places like that. I don't care that he went to a restaurant to eat. I personally won't do something like that, but if he wants to risk his own health doing so - at this point since the governor basically said there are no consequences for anything, what's the point. But the golf course thing, that is just unnecessary.

They both send the wrong message.

But what is actually funny about this controversy is how Max Grossman, the El Paso Dandy, has a conniption over it. He sends out an email (again) with a screenshot of it.

Its the screenshot that makes me laugh.

Remember when I said he's basically controlling the District 6 City Rep Claudia Rodriguez? Remember when I said he's a racist Trump supporter?

Well lets play Where's Waldo, shall we?

Here's his screenshot:

Well if you look closely, you can see the tabs on his computer, which will give you some insight into the grown man that likes to play dress-up. 

I put a couple of red arrows to highlight where they are. I know, they are difficult to read. So I took the liberty of zooming in a little closer so you can have a better look at the tabs. Here's the one at the top...see who's Facebook page he's on? Why its none other than Anthony Aguero...you remember him right? He's the guy that was harassing immigrants and stalking them last Christmas at the bus station while he was lurking around some cars. Y'all wanna guess what neighborhood that happened in?


You know, the neighborhood where Max Grossman hunts for Mexicans he can poverty pimp in front of city council for his little movida.

Gotta love the irony...

And the bottom tab are files he recently downloaded. That is where the arrow at the bottom of the picture is pointing. Look what he downloaded.

Why it appears to be a pic of the city rep he owns. The November election is right around the corner and candidates are throwing their hats in. Grossman used to go and interview candidates to figure out who he is going to support. Now he's in the business of actually running candidates, much like he ran Rodriguez.

He is 100% doing so in this November election as well. And he's using the Republican Party apparatus and his political consulting firm to do so, just like Iliana and Eddie Holguin. Grossman is a supporter of Holguin so I'm sure there's a level of collaboration going on there...yet the Holguin's are allegedly strong Democrats, lol. 

That reminds me...it looks like Iliana Holguin picked up someone else's support recently. You're gonna love it. 

And trust me, its gonna send more shockwaves through the local Democratic Party. More to follow on that little development...

Maese Sends Educator Cease & Desist

I don't know what it is about the MAGA crowd that makes them act so tough but deep down they are all a bunch of snowflakes.

Its really hard to comprehend that level of hypocrisy. But, I'm going off on a tangent really early so let me get back to the purpose of this post.

Where was I?

Ah yes, the Cease and Desist.

Word around the water cooler is that Patty Maese had a pretty prominent local law firm that does mostly government work for local entities send a cease and desist letter to Professor Ruby Montana. If you recall, the two went back and forth on Facebook over comments in which Patty Maese interjected herself into a story about the Flu Klux Klan Open Texas protest a few weekends ago.

A source indicates that the letter had a lot of words in it meant to scare the recipient like "police" and gave an account of what happened that I can only describe as laughable.

Interestingly the letter allegedly indicates that Maese was "force to resign" according to a source familiar with the letter. If in fact Maese was forced to resign, the question would be was it because she violated some company policy or if it was because of people contacting the station expressing their displeasure with her comment.

Lets keep a few things in mind - no one put a gun to Maese's head and forced her to make the comments she made. She did that all on her own and is therefore responsible for what she says.

Thats the trick about the 1st Amendment - you're free to say what you want, but your boss is also free to let you go. You're free to say what you want, but you're not free from consequence.

The letter further states that Maese was being "bullied" for her comments. Knowing several members of the Flu Klux Klan attendees, I'm gonna venture a wild guess that Montana has had to deal with the same kind of pushback from people who take a position opposite of hers. That is what happens when you express an opinion.

I don't know that I ever saw Montana ask people to call KTSM to have Maese fired. Calling KTSM to let them know you don't like the comments made by one of their on-air talent - is not calling to get someone fired. And its not the fault of Montana - had the on-air talent not interjected herself into a story, it never would've happened in the first place.

I guess the greater question is why does Maese think she's more entitled to the First Amendment than anyone else?

El Paso GOP Candidates Cry Foul

For whatever reason Republicans don't look at basic election data in El Paso County. If they did - you'd never see any of them try for a seat other than city council or school board.

Or, they are drinking some really good shit (or smoking - no judgement) that somehow convinces them that they have a shot at winning. But let me just paint a basic picture of why Republicans running in partisan races are sacrificial lambs, no matter how much they try to tell each other differently.

In El Paso County, there are about 46,000 reliable Democratic voters. There are about 11,000 reliable Republican voters - and I'm rounding up here people. In general election in El Paso there are about 98,000 reliable voters. When your base only makes up 11% (I'm rounding up again) of reliable voters, its no wonder you regularly get beat.

The same members of Y'all Qaida (The El Paso GOP) laugh when Democrats say they are going to turn Texas blue (so do I, because I can read election data), somehow think they can win general elections in partisan races in El Paso. Democrats are a hell of a lot closer to turning Texas blue than Republicans are to turning El Paso red.

Sorry, those are just facts.

Why do I mention this? Well because a candidate I didn't even know was running until she had a conniption over fellow Republican El Paso Mayor Dee Margo referring to Cesar Blanco as Senator-Elect. The candidate is Bethany Hatch. No relation to the former EPISD Trustee Trent Hatch variety. You remember him, he's the one that didn't live in the district he was representing.

She's also the largest donor to Trump in El Paso.

Well she went full-on Karen and sent an open letter to Mayor Dee Margo, giving him a piece of her mind. I love Republican-on-Republican beef.

Here's a picture of her open letter:

The reality is Cesar Blanco is Senator-elect. He's going to win and baring some MAJOR controversy - and I mean MAJOR - he's going to win handily.

I mean, he may win every precinct in the county.

She is also another one of those Republicans that wants to sacrifice your abuelita and open up the economy right away.

You know, a Branch Covidian.

She stomped her feet and demanded to see the manager on Facebook about it yesterday. Heres that Facebook post:

I think that if she's so concerned with city affairs, and in light of the fact that she's El Paso's biggest Trump donor, perhaps she should pay the money he owes the city of El Paso.

Another Branch Covidian is another Republican sacrificial lamb, Sam Williams. Although I'm actually overstating his chances a bit.

He still has to win the Republican runoff. Here's his membership application to the Flu Klux Klan.

And my favorite argument from the GOP nationally, but most especially locally, is the idea that mail-in ballots are rigging an election. First of all, they are all Trump supporters so you'd think they would be big fans of rigged elections.

Republicans have been crying foul about election fraud for years and yet there have only been a handful of actual instances of someone voting who shouldn't have voted. Seriously, too many people;e voting is not a problem we have in this state.

However when you stop and really listen to them, you realize how much they hate America and seniors. Soldiers and seniors over 65 routinely vote by mail. Are you saying they are doing some nefarious because we have a mechanism to vote that they want to use??

Playing Dirty: The Marlene Gonzalez Story

I’ve covered politics in this town for a really long time. I have seen a lot of crazy stuff. I broke the news of a mayoral candidate getting arrested and a few hours later covered him at a candidate forum in the Northeast. I once recorded a lower valley candidate call Hillary Clinton a really bad slur in Spanish. I covered the time some people made fliers with gay slurs and put them on vehicles at a campaign even in Fabens. And of course, I covered Theresa Caballero and Chente Quintanilla giving out cold hard cash to voters in Clint on New Years Day a few years ago. 

I have seen it all - some stuff I’ve never written about. Really shady stuff. Illegal stuff. Dumb stuff. Silly stuff. You name it, I’ve probably seen it, recorded it, filmed it, or blogged it. 

But I don’t think I have ever seen a campaign so openly brazen about being a dirty campaign like that of Marlene Gonzalez’s campaign. Now before you start thinking of firing off a letter to me Mrs. Gonzalez, save your breath. I'm not easily intimidated and you're a candidate for office - therefore a public figure - and expressing an opinion is neither slanderous nor libelous. 

I wrote earlier in the election cycle about Gonzalez's campaign using workers that were in a religious drug treatment facility / church / non-profit and having them campaign out in the sun during early voting. I even showed film of them being dropped off. I also showed payment made to that church / non-profit on campaign finance reports. 

You’d figure that a judicial candidate at this point would be minding her P’s and Q’s after surviving that scandal for the sole reason that local media for the most part ignores political campaigns. You’d think that - and you’d be wrong. 

Apparently the campaign became galvanized to play even more dirty. 

So here’s the situation. 

There is a facebook page that was created that uses Judge Laura Strathmann’s name. The page identifies itself as belonging to her. She’s the incumbent and Marlene Gonzalez’s opponent. That page even uses the judge’s picture, albeit with a red line through it. 

The page also posts using first-person language saying some pretty terrible things. Essentially the post says she slept around. Not just slept around - but with the entire family bar. Doesn’t distinguish if it was just the guys, or if it was the women too. 

But honestly, it is really bad to see women attack other women on their sexuality. Its bad enough men do it, but when a woman does it to another woman, its a whole ‘nother level of gacho. 

Also, whoever wrote that post appears to have a bit of a problem with the English language. 

Impersonating a candidate is dirty politics. 

Speaking like you’re that candidate, is dirty politics. 

Doing that … to a judge, might just be illegal. 

Now this is the part where you might say, well LionStar, how do we know for sure that the page is even affiliated with Marlene Gonzalez’s campaign? Well I’m glad you asked…

If you peruse through the facebook page you’ll see a url - one that is actually deceptive in it’s name (www.388thJudicialDistrictCourtcom). Again, its another effort to give the impression that the website is somehow official in its capacity, or at the very least, belongs to the judge. But when you click on the link…guess where it takes you…

Yep, you guessed it. Straight to a page that looks like its Marlene Gonzalez’s official campaign page. 

See what I mean? The page has the word "vote", Gonzalez's image, her name, the court she's running for, her political part, and even her ballot number. The average person would think this URL belongs to Gonzalez. 

There is no excuse. There is no justification. There is no explanation. 

This is just straight-up dirty politics.

As Maya Angelou once said, “When people show you who they are, believe them…” 

And she was right. We should believe Gonzalez when she tells us who she is - because behavior like this in a campaign - that is a reflection of the character of the candidate. And more importantly in the case of a candidate who wants to wear the black robe and hold the gavel…it is the best indicator as to their temperament as a judge. 

Do you want someone like that on the bench? Do you want someone with that win-at-all-costs, winner-take-all, disregard the costs and consequences - ruling on matters of the law? Is that the conduct of someone who is going to be calm, level-headed and fair in listening to the facts of a case and render a judgement?

But speaking as if you’re the judge and calling yourself a whore, so that other people will think that the actual judge is saying that about herself, well I just don’t know how you hold your head up in public without any shame. 

Interestingly Marlene Gonzalez actually sent out an email regarding the issue, because Judge Strathmann sent out an email regarding the website. Quite frankly the fact that Gonzalez is reactive to that email is telling. Gonzalez - in an email in which she is doing her best impersonation of Pontious Pilot she can do - uses some of the same language as the author of the page does in one of the posts. 

Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself. Here’s a screenshot of the post where the author uses the word “legion”. And oddly, Gonzalez uses the same term in her email. 

I could quote Hamlet here about me thinks the lady doth protest too much and all, but quite frankly that isn’t what stands out the most to me.
What stands out the most to me is that her letter only attempts to distance Gonzalez from the Facebook page - but what she doesn’t do is say anything written on that page about her opponent is wrong, or shouldn’t be said in a campaign. 

She’s a lawyer so the words in her letter are very carefully and strategically crafted. She distances her self from the authorship of the letter - but not the content. Thats deliberate. 

Gonzalez also makes it clear in the email that she knows who is the actual author of the page. There is no indication that Gonzalez has asked the alleged author of the page to cease and desist using her image on the URL associated with the page prior to today. 

To recap, she clearly knows the page exists. She clearly knows who the alleged author of the page is, and she clearly hasn't made any effort to get the author to stop using her image or asking people to vote for Gonzalez. 

Brown People Business

Okay non-brown people pay attention because you’re gonna learn stuff you probably don’t know (unless you’ve ever spent time in a boxing gym, in which case you already know). This might get uncomfortable - so fair warning. 

I'm gonna tell you all a little secret that some of you might not be hip to. There’s always been some pleito between Mexicans (or those of us of Mexican decent) and Puerto Ricans (or of Puerto Rican decent). Pleito means beef. Not like meat, but like static, trouble, problems, tension, etc.

I don’t know when or why it started but its always been there. Just under the surface. Not every Mexican, not every Puerto Rican, but you get my point.

Which is why its pretty messed up that Marlene Gonzalez referred to a Mexican grand mother in a recent hearing as an “illegal alien”. 


Someone's ABUELITA!

To many of us - thats a slur. Hell, she might as well have said Wetback

And don’t tell me she doesn’t know better - she’s an attorney on the border, she freakin’ knows. The same way we know not to say cabrón around Puerto Ricans because it doesn’t have the playful connotation to them the way it does to us most of the time when we use the word. 

Its a matter of cultural respect. 

Okay, let me pull over real quick. Some of you might be thinking, there’s no way that’s true. Ol’ LionStar better be able to prove that Marlene Gonzalez called a Mexican grandma an “illegal alien”. 

That is a fair point. I should be able to back-up what I say. 

So fortunately I have the transcript of a recent court case that was in Judge Strathmann's court and Marlene Gonzalez was one of the attorneys. This was in December, right before Christmas - well after the start of the campaign. 

Sorry, let me pull over again. 

Let me state the obvious - divorces bring out the worst in people. Especially in a custody battle. I've got my own battle scars of those kinds of wars. 

No one case is an indicator of an entire career of an attorney - or judge. No one should be judged on their worst day. 

But nonetheless, one case at least gives you a glimpse of an attorney who wants to be a judge. 

Gonzalez was representing the dad in the case. Gonzalez was trying to take a kid a way from her mother right before Christmas...and used the fact that the mother was on dialysis and the grandparents were "illegal aliens". 

I kid you not. I am not exaggerating. Those are hard facts of the case. And I have the transcripts to prove it. 

So this first screen shot is of the part of the transcript where Gonzalez calls someone's abuelitos "illegal aliens". 

The part that bothered me most was line 4 on that page. Gonzalez implies that the grandparents aren't good care givers to the child because they can be picked up at any time. 

I can't begin to articulate how insulting that comment is to so many families in El Paso that have mixed status. Its an embarrassing slap in the face. 

In this portion of the transcript, Gonzalez very strangely asserts that the mother of the child thinks she should have custody of the child because she's "a Hispanic mother". I have no clue why she raised that issue. I cannot understand the relevance of the statement at all. She also raises the issue of the mother being on dialysis in an effort to get the child taken from her and awarded to the dad. 

Right before Christmas. 

Now I don't know anything about the dad. As a dad myself, it frustrates the hell out of me that the law pretty much seems to favor the mother in most custody proceedings. As a society we are going to eventually have to deal with how you minimize the role of fathers in our country. 

But I found this particular part of the transcript , just before she raised the issue of the mother being Hispanic, interesting:

The mother raised the issue of the condition of the child - and Gonzalez responded with the ethnicity of the mother. 

Is that who you want families to face during the turmoil of a broken home?
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